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- 100 rem ********************************
- 110 rem
- 120 rem finance calculator
- 130 rem
- 140 rem re-written from original pet
- 150 rem program that appeared in the
- 160 rem august 1978 issue of kilobaud
- 170 rem
- 180 rem this version by: robert w. baker
- 190 rem of 15 windsor dr, atco, nj 08004
- 200 rem
- 210 rem ********************************
- 220 :
- 230 l1$="----------------------------------------": rem 40 dashes
- 240 print"[147] f i n a n c e c a l c u l a t o r": print l1$
- 250 print" investment calculations": print
- 260 print"1 - future value of one-time investment"
- 270 print"2 - future value of regular deposits"
- 280 print"3 - regular deposits required"
- 290 print" to create a desired total value":print
- 300 print" loan calculations":print
- 310 print"4 - regular payment on a loan"
- 320 print"5 - last payment on a loan"
- 330 print"6 - term of a loan"
- 340 print"7 - remaining balance on a loan"
- 350 print"8 - cost of borrowing": print
- 360 print"9 - end of program"
- 370 print l1$: print" desired function (1-9): ";
- 380 get c$: if c$="" then 380
- 390 v=val(c$): if v=9 then end
- 400 on v gosub 420,520,630,740,850,970,1080,1200
- 410 run
- 420 print"[147]future value of one-time investment": print l1$
- 430 print"enter initial investment:": input i1
- 440 print"enter nominal interest rate:": input r
- 450 print"term of investment (years,months):": input y,m
- 460 print"number of compounding periods / year:": input n
- 470 r=r/n/100: y=(12*y+m)/12
- 480 t2=i1*(1+r)^(n*y): t2=int(t2*100+0.5)/100
- 490 i2=t2-i1: gosub 1380
- 500 gosub 1350: if a$="y" then 420
- 510 return
- 520 print"[147]future value of regular deposits": print l1$
- 530 print"enter amount of each deposit:": input d
- 540 print"enter nominal interest rate:": input r
- 550 print"term of investment (years,months):": input y,m
- 560 print"number of deposits per year:": input n
- 570 r=r/n/100: y=(12*y+m)/12
- 580 t2=d*((1+r)^(n*y)-1)/r
- 590 t2=int(t2*100+.5)/100
- 600 i1=d*y*n: i2=t2-i1: gosub 1380
- 610 gosub 1350: if a$="y" then 520
- 620 return
- 630 print"[147]required regular deposits": print l1$
- 640 print"enter the desired total value:": input t2
- 650 print"enter nominal interest rate:": input r
- 660 print"term of investment (years,months):": input y,m
- 670 print"number of deposits per year:": input n
- 680 r=r/n/100: y=(12*y+m)/12
- 690 d=t2*r/((1+r)^(n*y)-1): d=int(d*100+0.5)/100
- 700 x1=d: gosub 1430: i1=d*y*n: i2=t2-i1
- 710 print"regular deposits: ";x$: gosub 1380
- 720 gosub 1350: if a$="y" then 630
- 730 return
- 740 print"[147]regular payment on a loan": print l1$
- 750 print"enter the principal amount:": input p1
- 760 print"enter term of loan (years,months):": input y,m
- 770 print"enter the annual interest rate:": input r
- 780 print"number of payments per year:": input n
- 790 r=r/n/100: y=(y*12+m)/12
- 800 p3=1/(1+r)^(n*y): p2=p1*r/(1-p3)
- 810 x1=p2: gosub 1430: print l1$
- 820 print"regular payment: ";x$: print l1$
- 830 gosub 1350: if a$="y" then 740
- 840 return
- 850 print"[147]last payment on a loan": print l1$
- 860 print"enter the principal amount:": input p1
- 870 print"enter term of loan (years,months):": input y,m
- 880 print"enter the annual interest rate:": input r
- 890 print"number of payments per year:": input n
- 900 print"enter amount of regular payment:": input p4
- 910 r=r/n/100: y=(y*12+m)/12: i1=n*y
- 920 for i=1 to i1: r1=int(p1*r*100+0.5)/100: r2=p4-r1: p1=p1-r2: next i
- 930 p2=p4+p1: x1=p2: gosub 1430: print l1$
- 940 print"last payment: ";x$: print l1$
- 950 gosub 1350: if a$="y" then 850
- 960 return
- 970 print"[147]term of a loan": print l1$
- 980 print"enter the principal amount:": input p1
- 990 print"enter amount of regular payment:": input p4
- 1000 print"enter the annual interest rate:": input r
- 1010 print"number of payments per year:": input n
- 1020 r=r/n/100: t1=1-(p1*r/p4): t2=1+r
- 1030 t=-(log(t1)/log(t2))/n
- 1040 m=int(t*12): y=int(m/12): m=m-y*12: print l1$
- 1050 print"term of loan: ";y;"years,";m;"months": print l1$
- 1060 gosub 1350: if a$="y" then 970
- 1070 return
- 1080 print"[147]remaining balance on a loan": print l1$
- 1090 print"enter the principal amount:": input p1
- 1100 print"enter amount of regular payment:": input p4
- 1110 print"enter the annual interest rate:": input r
- 1120 print"number of payments per year:": input n
- 1130 print"number of payments made:": input i1
- 1140 r=r/n/100
- 1150 for i=1 to i1: r1=int(p1*r*100+0.5)/100: r2=p4-r1: p1=p1-r2: next i
- 1160 x1=p1: gosub 1430: print l1$
- 1170 print"remaining balance: ";x$: print l1$
- 1180 gosub 1350: if a$="y" then 1080
- 1190 return
- 1200 print"[147]cost of borrowing": print l1$
- 1210 print"enter the principal amount:": input p1
- 1220 print"enter term of loan (years,months):": input y,m
- 1230 print"enter the annual interest rate:": input r
- 1240 print"number of payments per year:": input n
- 1250 r=r/n/100: y=(y*12+m)/12: p3=1/(1+r)^(n*y)
- 1260 p4=p1*r/(1-p3): p4=int(p4*100+0.5)/100: p5=p1: c=0: i1=n*y
- 1270 for i=1 to i1: r1=int(p5*r*100+0.5)/100
- 1280 r2=p4-r1: p5=p5-r2: c=c+p4: next i
- 1290 c=c+p5: c1=c-p1: print l1$
- 1300 x1=p4: gosub 1430: print" regular payment: ";x$
- 1310 x1=c: gosub 1430: print" total payments: ";x$
- 1320 x1=c1: gosub 1430: print"cost of borrowing: ";x$
- 1330 print l1$: gosub 1350: if a$="y" then 1200
- 1340 return
- 1350 print"another calculation (y/n):"
- 1360 get a$: if a$<>"y" and a$<>"n" then 1360
- 1370 return
- 1380 print l1$
- 1390 x1=i1: gosub 1430: print"value of your investment: ";x$
- 1400 x1=i2: gosub 1430: print"value of accum. interest: ";x$
- 1410 x1=t2: gosub 1430: print" total value: ";x$
- 1420 print l1$: return
- 1430 x1=int(x1*100+0.5)/100
- 1440 x2=int(x1): x3=(x1-x2)*100+1000
- 1450 x$="$"+str$(x2)+"."+right$(str$(x3),2): return